Robin Jones

Hi, I’m Robin Jones and I’m one of the Essential Emotions curriculum collaborators. I have been in the wellness industry for over 17 years, working as a Licensed Clinical Massage Therapist, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and Wellness Educator. My focus since I began sharing doTERRA was on how essential oils can quickly and positively affect our mood and emotions.
I believe it was my passion about helping the discouraged and hopeless that inspired many others to join my cause, allowing my message to spread from Utah to the other sides of the planet. What started in living rooms around the world turned into wellness symposiums and doTERRA's global conventions.
My super hot husband, Leland Jones, was leading a lucrative career until he enrolled in this powerful vision of changing the world one person and one drop at a time, and decided to quit and join me in doTERRA full-time. Together, we are raising our 6 young children, starting a little hobby farm and living in our dream home. We are dedicated to finding joy in every day moments and sharing those lessons we’ve learned along the way. As Blue Diamond leaders in doTERRA, our goal is to empower others with physical and financial health, and allow other families to obtain the TRUE freedom we are now experiencing.